A hand plugging a cord into a power stripA hand plugging a cord into a power strip

Did you know surge protection wears out over time? 

It's true! Surge protectors have a maximum amount of energy they can dissipate, commonly known as a joule rating. Whether it’s one major surge event or many minor surges, each surge decreases the remaining joule capacity of the surge protector. That is why tech experts recommend replacing surge protectors every 2-3 years, even though the outlets may still function.

A cardboard box full of outdated and broken cordsA cardboard box full of outdated and broken cords

But so far when it comes to "replacing" a surge protector, there's really only one way to do it - throw it all out and buy a new one. But it seems so wasteful, so we don't throw it out. We keep using the unprotected product or add it to our ever-growing collection of outdated and broken cords. 

But if we do throw it out, we contritube to the 50 million tons of e-waste Americans produce each year.  


That's why we asked...

Why throw away an entire product when you only need to swap out a single piece?


At Charg™ we know protecting your electronics from surge events is important. That’s why we invented SurgeSwap™, our swappable, sustainable surge protection. A first-of-its-kind surge solution that gives you the protection you need with the simplicity and sustainability you desire. Forget the days of a full replacement, keep all the devices in your setup plugged in while you swap out just the cartridge. 

How do you use a SurgeSwap™ cartridge? 



Your indicator light will turn red once it has worn out and can no longer provide any surge protection.


Replacing a SurgeSwap™ cartridge is as easy as pulling the old one out and sliding a new one in. You can leave everything else in your setup as is.


Once your new cartridge is in place your indicator light will be green once again so you can keep charging on! 


With SurgeSwap™ Less is More

Relaxing icon with a chair and umbrella in waterRelaxing icon with a chair and umbrella in water

Less Worry

Keep your products safe and know exactly when your surge protection needs to be replaced with a simple indicator light.

Trash canTrash can

Less Waste

When your surge cartridge does need to be replaced, simply swap it out to keep your Charg™ product functioning like brand new. 

Protective shieldProtective shield

More Protection

Since your Charg™ product is designed to last, and SurgeSwap™ lets you know when it's worn out, your purchase sets you up for a lifetime of  protection.

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I replace a SurgeSwap™ cartridge?

Your SurgeSwap™ product is outfitted with an LED indicator light.

A GREEN light indicates that there is still some level of surge protection left in your SurgeSwap™ cartridge.

Once the light is RED, it indicates that there is no longer any surge protection left to your cartridge. We recommend you replace your cartridge before it becomes RED, at least every 2-3 years, to ensure that your products remain protected.

How do I replace a SurgeSwap™ cartridge?

When it's time to replace your SurgeSwap™ cartridge, unplug the cord end and remove the expired cartrdige by pulling it straight out. Be aware, these cartridges are made to fit snuggly in the plughead and can be difficult to remove. 

Insert a new SurgeSwap™ cartridge and press it in firmly. 

Plug your plugend back into the wall.

If the light isn't green when the plugend is plugged in, it's possible the cartridge is not fully inserted correctly. Remove the cartridge and try reinstalling it again. Check that the Circuit Breaker Reset Button isn't activated accidentally. 

Where do I buy replacement SurgeSwap™ cartridges?

SurgeSwap™ cartridges are currently available here on the Charg™ website. Sold as a 2-pack, you'll always have a second one on hand for the day one wears out or just in case something unexpected happens. 

Do I need to purchase SurgeSwap™ cartridges with my surge protector? 

Your Charg™ surge protector will come with a SurgeSwap™ cartridge already installed. There is no need to purchase additional cartridges to use your product out of the box. However, we do encourage you to keep an extra cartridge on hand just in case something unexpected happens. That way your whole setup won't be unprotected while you wait for a replacement cartridge to deliver. 

Do SurgeSwap™ products come with a warranty?

All Charg™ products come with a One Year Limited Warranty to cover any defects in material or workmanship. We offer an additional Connected Equipment Warranty, specific to SurgeSwap™ products, to cover a malfunction during a surge event. Register your SurgeSwap™ products within your account to qualify for the additional Connected Equipment Warranty. 

Surge Protection 101 

Point of use surge protectors like our SurgeSwap™ technology do a great job detecting and diverting excess voltage away from your expensive electronics. However, in order to maximize your protection, there are a few things you should know. Most importantly is that surge protection wears out over time. Surge protectors have specific ammounts of energy that they can dissipate, commonly known as the joule rating. Each surge, large or small, decreases the remaining joule capacity of a surge protector. That is why experts recommend replacing surge protectors every 2-3 years. 

micro surges

Any major change to the electrical currents within your home can create a micro surge. You know, when the lights flicker - that’s a micro surge event. These events happen when power hungry devices, like an air conditioner, turn on or off. According to the NEMA Surge Protection Institute, 60-80% of surges originate within a building. While these surges aren’t very destructive, they are much more common and can damage equipment over time.

intermediate surges

These are the surges that probably come to mind when you think of surge protection. These are events that originate outside the home like a downed power line, indirect lightning strike, or changes to an electrical grid initiated by a utility company. While they do have the potential to be more destructive than internally generated surges, they are much less frequent.

major surges

A major surge event originates outside the home, usually caused by a direct lightning strike. Direct lightning strikes average 300 million volts and will most definitely exceed the joule rating of any surge protector. However, surge protectors may protect from indirect lightning strikes that only produce an intermediate surge. Unfortunately, many individuals believe that point-of-use surge protectors will protect their equipment from lightning entirely. The best way to protect your devices during a thunderstorm is to unplug them. If your devices are damaged due to a lightning strike, it’s best to rely on a separate home or renters insurance policy.





We are confident our SurgeSwap™ technology will do the job.


But just in case, we offer a limited Connected Equipment Warranty to cover connected electronics damaged by a surge event.


It’s true. Over time surge protection just wears out. Surge protectors have a maximum amount of energy they can dissipate, commonly known as a joule rating. Whether it’s one major surge event or many minor surges, each surge decreases the remaining joule capacity of the surge protector. That’s why electrical experts recommend replacing surge protectors every 2-3 years.


If you’re currently trying to remember who was president the last time you purchased a new surge protector, it’s likely not doing a whole lot of protecting these days. While the outlets may still do the trick, the surge protection could be worn out, letting harmful power surges fry electronics, or even start a house fire.

the first ever swappable, sustainable surge protector

At Charg™ we know protecting your electronics from surge events is important. That’s why we invented SurgeSwap™, our swappable, sustainable surge protection cartridge. We are confident our SurgeSwap™ technology will do the job. But, just in case, we offer a limited Connected Equipment Warranty to cover connected electronics damaged by a surge event, up to $3,000.

surge protection 101

Point of use surge protectors like our SurgeSwap™ technology do a great job detecting and diverting excess voltage away from your expensive electronics. However, in order to maximize your protection, there are a few things you should know. Most importantly is that surge protection wears out over time. Surge protectors have a maximum amount of energy they can dissipate, commonly known as a joule rating. Whether it’s one major surge event or many minor surges, each surge decreases the remaining joule capacity of the surge protector. That is why technology experts recommend replacing surge protectors every 2-3 years. Here is a simple breakdown of some other important surge information.

micro surges

Any major change to the electrical currents within your home can create a micro surge. You know, when the lights flicker - that’s a micro surge event. These events happen when power hungry devices, like an air conditioner, turn on or off. According to the NEMA Surge Protection Institute, 60-80% of surges originate within a building. While these surges aren’t very destructive, they are much more common and can damage equipment over time.

immediate surges

These are the surges that probably come to mind when you think of surge protection. These are events that originate outside the home like a downed power line, indirect lightning strike, or changes to an electrical grid initiated by a utility company. While they do have the potential to be more destructive than internally generated surges, they are much less frequent.

major surges

A major surge event originates outside the home, usually caused by a direct lightning strike. Direct lightning strikes average 300 million volts and will most definitely exceed the joule rating of any surge protector. However, surge protectors may protect from indirect lightning strikes that only produce an intermediate surge. Unfortunately, many individuals believe that point-of-use surge protectors will protect their equipment from lightning entirely. The best way to protect your devices during a thunderstorm is to unplug them. If your devices are damaged due to a lightning strike, it’s best to rely on a separate home or renters insurance policy.
